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sup yoga classes

what is sup yoga?

Simply put, SUP Yoga (stand-up paddle yoga) is a yoga practice that happens on a stand-up paddle board while floating on water. You don’t need any yoga or SUP experience to get started, but if you have some, SUP Yoga will take you deeper into your practice because on a shaky surface you need to be more accurate with your movements.

SUP Yoga takes the yoga practice to a whole new level. Your board becomes your mat. Your balance is constantly challenged, which makes your core work all the time. To compensate for the movement of the board, your body will be automatically adjusting and engaging all your muscles throughout the practice. Your focus and mindfulness will be trained, almost without putting any effort into it, since to be able to hold the poses on the board your mind will easily anchor in the present moment. You are surrounded by nature and you can’t escape its benefits, such as releasing stress, soothing your nervous system, or balancing your emotions.

SUP Yoga is one of those super satisfying challenges. Every minute you hold on the board feels like an achievement. Even if I don’t think yoga should focus on the results, I feel the satisfaction you experience at a SUP yoga class motivates you to start practicing yoga on the mat. Helping people discover yoga is one of my goals in life and SUP Yoga is a shortcut to it.

And last but not least, SUP Yoga is so much fun. Seriously.

Inhale nature, float, and flow!

why practice at mula?


Water is the element associated with meditation. I like to lead a meditation for a couple of minutes at the end of the practice because it is very satisfying to experience how easy it is to meditate on water.

mStand-up paddleultilevel

I offer a lot of variations of the asanas so that everyone can enjoy the practice and it’s up to you how much challenge you take in. You decide how far you go!

stand-up paddle

before the SUP Yoga practice, I will also give you the tools to understand the gear we will be using and to paddle efficiently so that you have a better experience and fewer sore muscles!

group classes

A plus of this kind of practice is the group energy that arises and the opportunity to meet like-minded people. The group classes take place on the lake of St. Moritz.

sup yoga

Saturdays 8:00 – 9:00
In the lake in St. Moritz

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private classes

Do you want to book a SUP Yoga class just for you and your friends or family? Would you like to book a SUP Yoga class for a business event? Do you want to practice on another lake? Do you want to work on a specific group of asanas? Get in touch and I will prepare the most suitable practice for you! Private classes can take place anywhere you can imagine

30 – 120 minutes
1 to 6 people (Of your choice)

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hear it from our students:

Maria is a wonderful yoga teacher and such a lovely person! I met her a couple of years ago in a yoga class and I immediately loved her. Her classes are diversified, authentic, full of positive energy and love and at the same time very instructive. I highly recommend to anyone who is interested in yoga to get to know this beautiful human! Thank you, Maria!

Virgina Torres

Hatha Student

What I like from Maria’s classes is how varied they can be. She is able to combine very slow and gentle postures with the most challenging and dynamic flows. Whether you are a beginner or an advanced yogi, her classes will add a special touch to your practice.

Michael Lang

Vinyasa Flow Student

Maria has a great talent in bringing her own personality naturally into the class, which makes her classes so special. I was not much into meditation but her introduction to it with the stories she tells makes me so comfortable that everything flows easily. Whenever I leave the class I feel happy, energized and calm, all at the same time. And that’s a gift!

Diana Albrecht

Vinyasa Flow Student

some frequently asked questions:

What prior experience do I need?

You don’t need to have any previous yoga experience nor SUP experience. I cue a lot and I give many options so that everyone can take advantage from the practice.
Basic swimming skills are required, though.

Which should I bring to the class?

Water-friendly clothes, sunscreen and something to drink. Ask me if you need a waterproof bag for your phone.

Do I have to register or can I just come by?

Yes, you have to register before attending the class. Contact me!

Ask me anything!