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about me

hola! I’m Maria

Born amidst the vibrant culture of Barcelona, my journey has led me from the captivating Catalan coast to the serene beauty of the Swiss Alps, and now, to my current home in Thun. This path has been more than a geographical transition; it’s been a profound journey of self-discovery and transformation through the practice of yoga.

Finding My Path: The Intersection of Yoga and Daily Life

My introduction to yoga wasn’t a storybook love affair but a deep connection felt from the very first pose. Over 12 years ago, a challenging downward-facing dog during a contemporary dance class marked the beginning of my exploration into various yoga practices. 

A Leap of Faith: From Law to the Enlightening Trails of South America

The decision to leave a stable career in law to backpack across South America was a pivotal moment in my life. This journey wasn’t just a break from the norm; it was a conscious decision to realign my priorities, to shed habitual patterns, and to listen closely to my inner voice. This transformative period was filled with yogic encounters, self-discovery, and the kind of challenges that lead to growth.

Deepening My Practice: A Journey from South East Asia to the Himalayas

It was during my travels in South East Asia that my yoga practice deepened significantly, culminating in a transformative 200-hour YTTC in India, at the foot of the Himalayas. This experience was not just about the physical aspects of yoga but also about the cultural immersion and the spiritual awakening it facilitated.

Embracing Diversity: Teaching Yoga Across Styles and Life Stages

My teaching journey has been as diverse as my learning path, encompassing Vinyasa flow, Ashtanga, Hatha, SUP Yoga, and Prenatal Yoga. Each style has enriched my understanding and approach, allowing me to connect with a wide range of students.

The Ultimate Journey: Motherhood and Beyond

The most transformative experience of my life has been motherhood, which brought its own lessons in prenatal and postnatal well-being. This personal journey was further enriched by my training with Valeria Almarales, deepening my appreciation for yoga’s impact on pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period.

New Horizons: Yoga and Neuroscience in Thun

Now residing in Thun, I am embarking on an exciting new chapter, merging the worlds of yoga and neuroscience. This innovative course is revolutionizing the way I help people connect with their bodies, offering deep and sometimes unexpected pathways to wellness and healing. It’s a privilege to share these insights and techniques, fostering transformation not just on the mat but in every aspect of life.

Connect and Grow with Me

Whether you’re stepping onto the mat for the first time or seeking to deepen your practice, I invite you to join me on this journey of exploration, healing, and growth. Together, let’s discover the profound impacts that yoga and neuroscience can have on our health, well-being, and overall life experience.

“it’s ok to not have everything figured out yet”

But I think it is important to keep moving and face challenges. At mula yoga I will confront you with new situations or thoughts, but allow you to decide every day how deep you go in your practice and in your inner work. 

"adjust your pace, not your purpose"

You might already have found your purpose. Congratulations! Mula yoga is here to remind you that it is ok to slow down for a while, to take a break, and even to step back. I would love to give you tools to adjust your pace.

“let it come, let it go, let it flow“

Open your heart, release what no longer serves you, and let movement come into your life. 

my styles of yoga

I meticulously craft each yoga session around a specific intention, embracing a wide array of themes. Despite this diversity, the core framework of my classes remains consistent, incorporating elements such as pranayama (breathing exercises), asanas (postures), savasana (relaxation), and meditation. I believe that both challenge and enjoyment are essential components of a fulfilling practice. Although I have an intention and goal for my yoga classes, I prioritize flexibility to cater to the collective mood and individual needs of my students, offering various options to ensure that everyone can fully engage in and benefit from the practice.


 If you are pregnant, these classes are for you, either if you have practiced yoga before or not. This is the yoga practice that prepares your body and your mind for labor and childbirth, being also the kind of break you need in your everyday life to connect to yourself, to mindfully notice the changes you are going through and to start bonding with your baby.


Your body has amazingly performed during pregnancy and labor and now it is time for you to help it recover. It’s not about the shape or the weight, but about rebuilding a healthy and strong pelvic floor that can hold your organs and about allowing your abdominal muscles to smoothly get back together. This practice takes place with and without your baby.


As a yoga teacher I am specialized in three styles of yoga called Vinyasa flow, Ashtanga and Hatha. As a yoga practitioner I love flowing on my mat with a purpose but no expectations, and I always leave the mat feeling better than ever, which is also the purpose of all my yoga classes. Let me bring joy to your body and peace to your mind!

What I like from Maria’s classes is how varied they can be. She is able to combine very slow and gentle postures with the most challenging and dynamic flows. Whether you are a beginner or an advanced yogi, her classes will add a special touch to your practice.

Michael Lang, Vinyasa Flow Student

Maria is a wonderful yoga teacher and such a lovely person! I met her a couple of years ago in a yoga class and I immediately loved her. Her classes are diversified, authentic, full of positive energy and love and at the same time very instructive. I highly recommend to anyone who is interested in yoga to get to know this beautiful human! Thank you, Maria!

Virgina Torres, Hatha Student

“Maria has a great talent in bringing her own personality naturally into the class, which makes her classes so special. I was not much into meditation but her introduction to it with the stories she tells makes me so comfortable that everything flows easily. Whenever I leave the class I feel happy, energized and calm, all at the same time. And that’s a gift!”

Diana Albrecht, Vinyasa Flow Student

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